澳洲領先品牌~SEKISUI Thermobreak®
Setting the standard for over 30 years
Thermobreak® is the leading and most innovative polyolefin foam thermal insulation available to the HVAC and Building industry worldwide. Thermobreak’s® performance is unsurpassed.
Developed in Australia over 30 years ago, Thermobreak® is manufactured using our proprietary physically crosslinked closed cell polyolefin foam technology, invented and commercialised by the Sekisui Chemical group in Japan. Laminated with reinforced foil and adhesive backing, Thermobreak® is widely recognized as the global leader in polyolefin insulation.
30多年來保溫棉的行業領導者國際案例多不勝數。現時採用的地區包括: 澳洲, 沙特亞拉伯, 菲律賓, 泰國,美國及越南等
Thermobreak®在澳洲已發展超過30年,Sekisui Chemical Group 利用獨有的生產技術開發出PE材質物理閉孔發泡防火保溫棉。單面強化鋁箔能更有效保溫,另一面帶有膠黏劑方便施工者作業。
Thermobreak® insulation features:
- Technically superior – very low thermal conductivity & negligible water vapour permeance 優越技術-超低熱傳導率 及 水氣滲透導接近雲
- Third party certified & tested 通過不同檢測並獲得第三方認証
- Energy efficient 合乎能源效益
- Quality materials engineered to last
- Compliant to local & international fire, smoke and performance standards 乎合本地及國際防火,煙霧和性能標準
- Proven reliability for over 30 years 30年來提供可靠及專業服務
- Fast and efficient to install and totally reliable 安裝方便快捷,信心保證
Thermobreak® insulation usefull:
保溫棉 Insulation包裹物件及設施,達到防火、隔熱及保溫的作用,特別適用於冷氣排風管、風喉、水喉、天台水缸、機器等使用。

